dijous, 15 de setembre del 2016

Heartbeats (2004) - The Knife

 One night to be confused One night to speed up truth We had a promise made Four hands and then away Both under influence We had divine scent To know what to say Mind is a razorblade To call for hands of above, to lean on Wouldn't be good enough for me, no One night of magic rush The start: a simpel touch One night to push and scream And then relief Ten days of perfect tunes The colours red and blue We had a promise made We were in love To call for hands of above, to lean on Wouldn't be good enough for me, no To call for hands of above, to lean on Wouldn't be good enough And you You knew the hand of a devil And you Kept us awake with wolves teeth Sharing different heartbeats in one night To call for hands of above, to lean on Wouldn't be good enough for me, no To call for hands of above, to lean on Wouldn't be good enough.

Una nit per estar confòs
Una nit per accelerar la veritat
Havíem fet una promesa
Quatre mans i una despedida

Ambdos sota una influència
Teníem essència divina
Per a saber que dir
La ment és una fulla d'afaitar

Per a demanar ajuda del cel
per donar-me suport
no seria prou bo per a mi

Una nit de màgia a corre-cuita
Al principi només un toc
Una nit per empènyer i cridar
I després alleugerit

Deu dies de melodies perfectes
Els colors blau i vermell
Teníem una promesa feta
Estàvem enamorats

Per a demanar ajuda del cel
per donar-me suport
no seria el bastant bo per a mi

I tú, coneixies les mans del diable
I tú, ens vas mantenir desperts com dents de llop
Compartint diferents batecs
En una nit.

Per a demanar ajuda del cel
per donar-me suport
no seria prou bo per a mi.

diumenge, 14 d’agost del 2016

Yeahs Yeahs Yeahs

El director Spike Jonze amb el prota.
Els Yeahs Yeahs Yeahs és un grup actual novaiorqués que tant fan rock alternatiu com electrònica cançons com "Maps", "Heads will roll" y "Y control" són les més conegudes.
  Karen O frontgirl del grup també té treballs en solitari y ha participat en diverses bandes sonores com en la pel.lícula del director Spike Jonze, exmarit de Sofia Coppola, "Where the wild things are" (2009). Traduïda com a "Donde viven los monstruos": és un conte de l'autor canadenc Maurice Sendak on narra la vida d'un nen d'uns 9 anys i la virtud per enfrontar-se al canvi.


dimarts, 5 de juliol del 2016

dimarts, 21 de juny del 2016


 Aquesta cançó bé podria ser el tema de l'estiu, però ja té uns quants anys. 

  CSS o Cansei de Ser Sexy (com tants de nosaltres) és un grup brasiler de música electrònica i new wave, no crec que trigueu en esbrinar en quina ciutat és filmat el clip, per més informació punxeu aquí

 "Tots els estels del cel són a punt de fondres, ja només quedem nosaltres, no necessito saber res més de tu ni vull canviar-te la vida, així que abraça'm fort aquesta nit"

Get up, get up, get up, get up, you gotta keep on moving
Get up, get up, get up, get up, you gotta keep on moving
Get up, get up, get up, get up, you gotta keep on moving
Get up, get up, get up, get up, you gotta keep on moving
If I put you on backwards straight to the dance floor
Will you still be waiting for me? Will you still be my friend?
I don't wanna bug you out with crazy, crazy ideas
For I know this ain't a good place for us to talk
You better get your move on
Or all the good ones will have gone
You better get your move on
Or all the good ones will have gone
You better get your move on
Get up, get up, get up, get up, you gotta keep on moving
Get up, get up, get up, get up, you gotta keep on moving
Get up, get up, get up, get up, you gotta keep on moving
Get up, get up, get up, get up, you gotta keep on moving
If you want to say goodbye, if you want to play seek and hide
Just stay, you've got the time, do you really need to be on time?
If there's hoping that you that you like, everybody so, so free outside
There's no need for playing nice, do you know what?
You better get your move on
Or all the good ones will have gone
You better get your move on
Or all the good ones will have gone
You better get your move on
Get up, get up, get up, get up, you gotta keep on moving
Get up, get up, get up, get up, you gotta keep on moving
Get up, get up, get up, get up, you gotta keep on moving
Get up, get up, get up, get up, you gotta keep on moving
All the stars are 'bout to die but you don't need to have insights
I don't want to change your life so please hold me tight tonight
We can really use a cab, don't go out and crash your car
I don't mind being messy today, just take me again
You better get your move on
Or all the good ones will have gone
You better get your move on
Or all the good ones will have gone
You better get your move on
Or all the good ones will have gone
You better get your move on
Or all the good ones will have gone
You better get your move on
Get up, get up, get up, get up, you gotta keep on moving
Get up, get up, get up, get up, you gotta keep on moving
Get up, get up, get up, get up, you gotta keep on moving
Get up, get up, get up, get up, you gotta keep on moving
If someone drops you on the floor and you don't know who did it
Just flick your hair and try to kick as many people as you can hit
You do what you gotta do so please listen to me
Don't let no one play you a fool like you're a stinky [Incomprehensible]
You better get your move on
Or all the good ones will have gone
You better get your move on
Or all the good ones will have gone

dilluns, 6 de juny del 2016

E3 2016

Aquest Diumenge começen com cada any la fira mes important de Videojocs anomenada E3, que son las siglas"Electronic Entertaiment Expo"
Hi es fara com sempre a la ciutat de Los Angeles, Estats Units,sempre que arriven aquestes dates hi ha molta expectacio en el mon dels Videojocs, quins nous jocs es presentaran,que novas cosas ens ensenyaran las compañies, hi ha molta expectacio aquest dias, tan com las noves noticies i sorpreses com decepcions per parts iguals.
Veurem que ens ofereixen aquest any


estem fent proves amb el blog de ressorgir.

dilluns, 23 de maig del 2016


Amb aquest nou blog de Ressorgir, espero ser útil a l'Associació i contribuir a fer-ne la major difussió que pugui, ja que el que he après des de que vaig començar a fer ús dels tallers de Ressorgir, l'any 2009, podria ser molt beneficiós per molta gent que també necessita suport psicològic i desenvolupar el seu potencial.


Vull que moltes persones amb malatia mental tinguin informació detallada i atractiva sobre la tasca de l'Associació Ressorgir, i aprenguin i gaudeixin dels seus serveis que tanta utilitat han tingut per a mi, i puguin interactuar amb el blog de l'Associació, de la manera més còmoda possible.


Desitjo que aquest blog obri el camí a un major enteniment sobre la malaltia mental, el que suposa per a les persones que la pateixen i els seus familiars. I que la societat entengui que mitjançant el recolzament, la dedicació i el suport necessaris, aquestes persones poden integrar-se en la societat amb absoluta normalitat.


Dessitjo que ens visiti molta gent i que fem nous amics.